Information 技术 服务


除了…之外 明尼苏达州明尼苏达州 Colleges 和 Universities 政策,圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 has these technology-related policies, 指导方针和标准到位,以帮助用户了解如何使用技术应该在我们的大学校园社区作为一个整体的利益.

The guidelines address accountability, provide consistency 和 establish procedures for those who use the university’s equipment 和 network. 

University 和 IT Policies

Minnesota Policies 和 Laws

Reporting 技术 Abuse

技术 abuse refers to general abuse of St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城’s computing 资源s.

滥用的例子包括对计算机和设备的物理损坏或以违反法律或政策的方式使用HuskyNet资源, such as harassing someone online or spamming from an St. 云州 email account.


To report abuse of 资源s 和 any forms of harassment involving St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 email or technology services, contact the IT安全协调员.

Guidelines 和圣和ards

E-mail Acceptable Use Guidelines


St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 (St. 云州) provides many computing 和 network 资源s for use by students, 教师, staff 和 other persons affiliated with St. 云州. 大学鼓励大学成员使用电子邮件进行与大学有关的活动,以便有效地交换有用的信息. Access to e-mail is a privilege 和 certain responsibilities accompany that privilege. Users of e-mail are required to be ethical 和 responsible in their use.

Electronic mail is one of the most used 和 useful facilities on computer networks. To ensure maximum benefits from e-mail, 一个清晰的, defined balance between the need for open communication 和 the protection of the university's assets is critical.

本政策的目的是鼓励在明尼苏达州和联邦法律的框架内使用电子邮件作为有效和高效的工具, 即使本政策中没有特别提及,大学的政策和规则以及其他必要的限制也适用. For example, employees should bear in mind the responsibility of the Statewide Electronic Communication 和 技术 Ethics Policy, 和 the terms of any other applicable st和ard of conduct. 


Although the University does not routinely monitor all messages, it does have the authority, 在任何时候, to inspect the contents of any University equipment, 文件, or mail on its system for any legitimate business, legal or disciplinary purpose. Reasons for review include, 但不限于: reasonable suspicion of a violation of a rule or law or University policy; investigation of system problems; litigation or anticipated litigation; a need to perform work when an employee is not available.

Employee users of the University's e-mail system must underst和 that most communications created, received or backed up on the system are considered to be public documents 和 thus, 五月 be subject to requests for public disclosure. Employees should bear in mind that this construction 五月 apply even to e-mails that contain, 例如, 个人言论.

Users must respect the integrity 和 security of the system. A user's account 和 password are the keys to the e-mail network, 和 users are advised that they are responsible for the security of their respective account 和 password. There are major risks when a user's account 和 password are known to others.

By law certain data is not available to the public, such as personal or non-directory education data ("not public data"). If e-mail is used to transmit such data, it should be clearly labeled as not public. 以这种方式指定消息可以减少收件人将数据泄露给意外第三方的可能性, 但用户必须采取适当措施保护非公开数据,并仅向合法有权访问的人披露. Users who illegally disclose not public data will be subject to discipline.

Principles of Acceptable Use

获取和负责任地使用现代信息资源是追求和实现卓越的St. 云州. 大学鼓励学生适当使用电子邮件,透过有效的教育资讯交流,提高生产力, 研究, public service 和 the expression of ideas. Use of these 资源s must be consistent with these goals. As responsible members of the St. 云州社区, 每个人都应该按照以下一般原则行事,这些原则是基于可接受的法律和常识, 常见的礼貌, 和 civility applied to the networked computing environment:

作为电子邮件发送的信息在分发或显示方面应符合与有形文件或文书相同的标准. Identify yourself clearly 和 accurately in all electronic communications. 隐瞒或歪曲你的名字或隶属关系,以使自己免于为自己的行为负责,这是不恰当的. Alteration of the course of electronic mail, message or posting is unethical 和 五月 be grounds for discipline. 对得体性的一个测试是,永远不要在电子邮件中“说”任何你不愿意直接对别人说的话.

Be sensitive to the inherent limitation of shared network 资源s. No computer security system can absolutely prevent a determined person from accessing stored information, 和圣. 云州 cannot guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of electronic documents.

Respect the rights of others. Do not send abusive, threatening, or harassing materials. 公民话语是大学社区的核心,没有恐吓和骚扰,基于对个人的尊重以及向他人学习的愿望. While debate on controversial 问题 is inevitable 和 essential, 您不得以违反大学反歧视或骚扰政策或适用法律的方式使用大学的电子通信,包括反性骚扰政策和法律. The same st和ards or conduct expected of students, 教师 和 staff regarding the use of telephones, 库, 和 other institutional 资源s apply to the use of e-mail. 在涉及电子邮件的情况下,你要为自己的行为承担的责任并不比你在处理其他媒体时少.

It is unacceptable to use the University's system to engage in wasteful 和 disruptive practices, such as creating or sending “chain letters”, “broadcast” messages or unwanted material, “燃烧”, 或者使系统过载. 这一努力与管理校园其他形式的通信(包括电话)的现有做法是一致的, 公告栏发帖, the mass distribution of fliers 和 the use of intra-campus mail services.

In accordance with the Minnesota Department of Employee Relations Administrative Procedure No. 32, 和 Minnesota Statute Section 43A.38岁的再分. 4, political transmissions are prohibited. 这将包括宣传选举联邦政府公职的特定候选人的广播, 州或地方层面. This also prohibits sending of messages which contain information on religious positions or activities. 此外,禁止在大选或补选期间对国民产生影响的特定公投提案提出支持或反对意见.Those using e-mail for legitimate educational purposes should be careful to abide by the statute cited above; other examples of inappropriate personal use of the system include, 但不限于, 赌博, fundraising for any purpose unless University-sanctioned or promotion of religious positions or activities.

E-mail 和 other network 资源s 五月 not be used for commercial purposes or for personal financial gain. To do so would be a violation of Minnesota state law. This does not preclude the use of e-mail to assist in the investigation 和 support of vendor's products, such as the discussion of a product's relative advantages 和 disadvantages by users of the product, 通过请求或供应商对其产品问题的答复分发信息或技术支持材料, as long as the responses are not in the nature of a solicitation.

You are expected to abide by the security restrictions on all systems 和 information to which you have access. Activities that interfere with or disrupt network users, 设备或服务,包括故意分发病毒或寻求未经授权访问网络上的机器是被禁止的.

涉及使用信息资源违反大学政策或法规或州或联邦法律的行为, or to violate another's rights, is a serious abuse subject to limitation of your privileges 和 appropriate disciplinary 和/or legal action. The University is not responsible for transmissions which are libelous or defamatory, but will appropriately investigate 和 address these unwanted transmissions with the message sender. If unsolicited or unwanted Internet transmissions are received, or if problems or 问题 arise regarding St. 云州 e-mail, you should contact Husky Tech.



投诉 by any user receiving electronic transmissions through any e-mail server 五月 be submitted to the:

  • Chief Information Security Officer ()
  • Deputy Chief Information Officer (Phil Thorson)

The Affirmative Action Office will be notified of complaints regarding the transmission of discriminatory material. 一名信息服务主任将与校园保安和/或其他适当的办公室合作,调查投诉,以确定其有效性. In the case of an employee investigation, if a violation did occur, the Campus Security Director shall inform the employee's immediate supervisor 和 other appropriate offices. The employee's immediate supervisor, in consultation with other University offices, 应以符合公共雇员法和集体谈判协议的形式和程序实施适当的行动.

These guidelines are subject to change.

SCSU-Discuss Listserv Guidelines

The following guidelines relate to the university 教师 和 staff listserv SCSU-Discuss.

  • In accordance with the Minnesota Department of Employee Relations Administrative Procedure No. 32, 和 Minnesota Statute Section 43A.38岁的再分. 4, political transmissions are prohibited.  这将包括宣传选举联邦政府公职的特定候选人的广播, 州或地方层面
  • A message that is for the purpose of personal profitability is not allowed.
  • The lists will be self-regulating, but failure to follow these Guidelines 五月 be reported to the supervisor of the person posting.
  • No anonymous postings are permitted.
  • 全体教职员工, 兼职和全职, who have e-mail accounts on University servers will be automatically subscribed to Announce.  Individuals 五月 choose to subscribe to Discuss. Subscribers to either list will be allowed to unsubscribe 在任何时候.  For instructions on subscribing/unsubscribing, please reference the St. 云状态列表服务器 资源.
  • Participants 五月 be blocked for repeated failure to follow these Guidelines.

Activities on SCSU-Discuss are governed by St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 policies, 明尼苏达州 policies 和 明尼苏达州 statutes. Listserv subscribers should consult the University's acceptable use of e-mail guidelines above.


This list supports communication between 教师, 工作人员和行政人员通过传播以民间话语的精神创造的与圣. 云州.  项目可能包括, 但不限于, 学术主题, 评论文章, 大学政策, 问题, surveys 和 postings intended to inspire discussion.

St. 云州 Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board provides St. 云州 教师 和 staff an interactive space where they can post 和 view announcements, information 和 events in categories such as For Sale items, 免费物品, 想要的物品, 校园公告, 社区公告, 丢失物品, 校园活动, 及社区活动. 访问 Listservs 和 Bulletin Board for more information or to 登录 to use the Bulletin Board.

技术 Downtime Schedule

全年, technology downtimes are required to allow for maintenance 和 upgrades of the system hardware 和 software.  主动安排和遵守计划的停机时间窗口增加了系统在其他时间段内不会发生故障的可能性.

Pro-active planning keeps campus constituencies informed of times that technology 五月 不在. Scheduling two potential downtimes per week gives us more flexibility in applying maintenance releases, 安全补丁, 和 updates as they become available, thereby providing more timely fixes to 问题 和 allowing us to respond more quickly to security threats.


  • All Tuesdays 5 AM - 7 AM
  • 所有星期日上午5点至9点

If no work is necessary during a particular period, the downtime will not be used. If significant downtime is planned, advance notification will be given to affected users.  有时, 在此期间,我们将在技术系统上执行工作,我们预计不会导致用户严重停机(严重的定义是停机时间超过10分钟)。.  In these cases, no additional notification will be given before starting the work. 


Unforeseen emergencies or special circumstances (power outages, 硬件故障, 例如) that require downtime at other dates 和 times will be announced as necessary.